Pooled Pension Bond Refinancing Program
Mitigate unfunded accrued liabilities through our pooled pension refinancing program.
Pension Refinancing & UAL Prepayments
CalMuni PFA has developed a comprehensive Pooled Pension Bond Refinancing Program to help public agencies address their CalPERS UAL payments. The Program utilizes a comprehensive suite of strategies and alternatives to achieve rapid fiscal relief and a cost-effective and predictable future UAL payment schedule.
About the UAL Program
Rising Pension Costs
Most of California’s local government agencies are facing rapidly increasing unfunded accrued liability (UAL) payments in their California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) pension plans. For many, the UAL payments will double from 2020 to 2032. The economic impacts of worldwide financial difficulties are exacerbating the problem. To be able to meet the rising pension costs, some communities are beginning to cut essential services. We are here to help.
Bond Pooling Technique
You can save substantial amounts of money by joining a pooled-financing group with CalMuni PFA to refinance a portion of your UAL. Pooling resources, coordinating efforts, and eliminating redundant actions or overlapping services are just a few of the benefits. Each agency is unique, with its own challenges and opportunities. The CalMuni PFA Pooled Pension Bond Refinancing Program takes all of them into consideration to figure out the right set of solutions to align with like-minded agencies looking to benefit from our pooling program.
CalMuni Advantage
The CalMuni PFA Pension Bond Refinancing Program provides the following benefits:
Enhanced budget predictability from new “flattened” or level UAL payment structure
Overall cash flow savings from a lower interest rate than what is currently charged by CalPERS
Increased “funded status” of retirement plans
Expert financial consultants including municipal advisors and bond counsel to assess market readiness and interest rate environment in your best interest.
CalMuni PFA Advantage
Quick Response
We can usually get you a response within a week.
Finance 100% of UAL
You can borrow up to 100% of your unfunded liabilities pension costs, although most agencies will target a lower percentage.
Fixed Interest Rates
Fixed interest rates are available at lower rate than the current interest rate being charged by public retirement systems.
Transparent Pricing
We will tell you up front what your financing costs will be, and you can rest assured that there will be no hidden fees.
Simple & Efficient Process
We provide all forms of resolutions, staff reports and financing agreements for easy, quick adoption.